Friday, June 4, 2010

¡Cogida Aruba, Viva Perú!

That subject is a rough translation...thank you Babel Fish...anyway...moving on...

So I'm tapped out on creativity. It's annoying as fuck. Then again it's my own damn fault...kinda. The fact I'm not feeling well isn't helping. I'm weak and...mostly just weak. Anyway, it's my fault because I've been writing like a mad woman all week (if you have seen my LiveJournal then you know this). I'm still seeing the characters doing stuff in my's just in short bursts instead of full scenes, which is even more annoying. Right now I'm on a Stephanie Brown/Jason Todd kick (don't worry if you don't get that, it's a comic thing).

Speaking of comics, tomorrow's podcast is about comics...specifically movie adapations of comics. This is an episode I spent a couple of weeks planning, which is probably why it ran a bit longer than I'd hoped. It's ok, I think there's some great discussion (and some fine humor) so it's well worth the listen.

In other news, Joran Van der Sloot. Name ring a bell? Yeah. The dude that killed Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen that vanished in Aruba 5 years ago. If you don't know that story you've been living under a rock and need to learn the wonders of Google. Now, I'll discuss this on the podcast in a couple of weeks (next week's episode is already recorded) but I want to address this anyway. Van der Sloot was already on the hook with the US feds for extorsion but in Peru he killed another girl, Stephany Flores. She was killed 5 years to the day that Natalee vanished (was killed IMO). You know what? Aruba, this is your fucking fault! Seriously! OK, yes, Joran did it, but Joran wouldn't have been on the streets a free man if Aruba had done it's job instead of covering for him. He killed once and got away with it, of course he killed again! No brainer! The difference is this time he didn't killed a foreign girl in his country...oh no...he was a foreigner that killed a girl in her country. Idiot. Not only that, Stephany's father is a very well respected man in Peru. He's a respected politician and race care driver and such. Joran is gonna fry this time. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. He isn't elegible for the death penalty under Peruvian law...but based on what I saw on the news today that isn't going to stop anyone. The police had a bullet proof vest on him and had to form a permeter around the police station to keep the angry mobs from killing Joran. Personally I say let the mobs have at him. He showed no mercy for Natalee or Stephany, why should he be shown any mercy? All I can say is at least justice will finally be served, even if it's not for Natalee he will pay. It's just a shame another woman had to die to get here. Fuck Aruba! Viva Peru!

Yes, I can rant as long windedly as Chuck when I have something to rant about and something about innocent women dying at the hands of a sociopathic idiot just gets under my skin, call me crazy.

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for reading and check out the all new episode of JoF tomorrow!
