Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Heaven, Hell, and Shrek

Do you remember the horrid Fanta commericals from a few years back with the...::gulp:: Fantanas? Yeah, I tried to purge them from my mind too. If we could retcon real life I would have so retconned them. Well guess what, they're back! the horror!

So I went to see Shrek 4 this weekend (more on that in a second) and sure enough there was a Fanta commerical. And then the real horror...they've 'reunited' to look for a new forth Fantana. This means...dun dun dun...they're back! Come on Fanta, those Fantana commerical were eye gougingly bad and mind numbingly annoying the first time around. Do we really need to go there again? Seriously, there's not many ad campaigns I hate with a passion. Sure some are lame or stupid or kinda irk me...I hate the fucking Fantanas. I can't even tell you how much. Come on America, boycott Fanta until the Fantanas are back where they belong...happily reconned (or at least forgotten).

Now then, Sherk 4...I was psyched because it's in 3D and I love Shrek, but I was worried because Shrek 3 was kinda eh. I was happily surprised that 4 was way better. I had so much fun watching it. I love the independent warrior princess Fiona and supersized puss out of boots. I love the overall story and the twist to the Rumpelstiltskin story. I love the happy ending. I love the lesson of "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". I just love it. Awesome movie and I recommend every Shrek fan rush out to see this movie in theaters so you can see it in 3D. It was amazing.

Finally I want to praise the video game gods for bestowing upon me the WiiFit. Oh great balance board of wonder that makes working out oh so much fun. I have lost a fair amount of weight in a short amount of time so far. With the glory of the WiiFit I may actually be my cute sexy self again soon. With any luck I'll be a real life Stephanie Brown in no time! All hail the WiiFit!

Until next time...


PS: I have some comic reviews and a ton of stories up on my livejournal. Check it out!