Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rants, Rambles, and the Future of JoF...

Pissed does not even begin to describe my mood today...I'm not going to be too terribly specific except to say that I tried to be an adult and handle the end of my friendship with someone else with dignity and grace. I went out of my way to be nice and I was civil and kind. I showed I still cared and even offered to be there for said ex-friend if she ever needed someone. Then she made the mistake of messing with my job and now she's an enemy. I have few enemies because I'm pretty easy going, but because it takes so much to push me that far...I'm not someone you want as an enemy.

As for everything else, it's been a rough week. I know those happen and it's all good...or it will be all good. i'm just thrilled this week is over. I'm thrilled to be recording a podcast this weekend (the podcast you'll be hearing next week. We already have this week's done). Hopefully the podcast is finally getting back on track. Once we get the podcast into a groove I'll move on to the next step of bettering JoF. It's hard to do everything I want at this point because it is a one woman project. Chuck and I actually just had this discussion...he freely admits he's voice talent and that's it. Without me there would be no JoF. I do everything else...the editing, the website, 1/2 the voice work, the planning, the's all me. I'm not complaining really...I do enjoy doing it. I do wish I had someone to take some of the work sometimes though. It's not like I don't have enough to do with Uncharted Wind and Femmes de justice (my website and my LiveJournal). Someone needs to pay me for podcasting and all would be perfect.

That being said I am actually looking into...different avenues to take JoF. A lot of it is just in my head right now and may or may not come to fruision...and if it does it'll take time.

Right now my thoughts are completely all over the place. I'm angry, I'm tired, and quite frankly I feel like beating the shit out of someone which is an unfamiliar and uncomfortablt feeling to me (I'm normally pretty passive). In my desire to beat the shit out of someone I did do some boxing training (love the WiiFit) and stupid me decided beginner wasn't fast enough so I did the intermediate level...yeah, I managed to fuck up both my shoulders. It hurts to pick up the remote control now. Feels like muscle strain...can we say 'Icy Hot'? But it did make me feel better for a few minutes...but now I'm pissed again. I hate being this pisses me off. Yes, I'm pissed that I'm fucked up is that? I think I actually understand the rage of Jason Todd today (and if you get that comic reference give yourself 15 points).

Next time on JoF: TV show comic adaptations. This one gets interesting. Tune in to on Saturday to listen for yourself.

Anyway, I'm done with my ranting and rambling for today. I'm sorry, for my unguided train of thought I said, long week. Until next time...
