Sunday, July 3, 2011

Review: "Green Lantern"

- FX were not as bad as I thought. They were really good actually with the exception of the Lantern costume which was awful.

- Blake Lively was really good as Carol Farris. I expected her to suck but she rocked it. I hope we get to see her as a Star Sapphire in the sequel.

- Ryan Reynolds was a poor choice for Hal Jordan. I like Ryan just not as Hal.

- I totally get why Kara has a crush on Hal in the comics.

- It was obvious the writers were trying to find middle ground between apeasing hard core fans and the general public. They never found that middle ground and it hurt the pace of the movie.

- The writing wasn't bad...just could have been better.

- Mark Strong rocked it as Sinestro.

- Overall pretty good first installment. Set up potential for a GREAT second movie.

- If you go see it STAY into the credits. It is beyond worth it.

- Next point is the only spoiler, you were warned


- After the end credits start Sinestro puts on the yellow ring and the Sinestro Corps suit appeared on him which was really cool and set up the sequel.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Dream Job!

So if you have been reading my blog, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter...or really talked to me in any way, shape, or form then you know I've been out of work for the last 4 months because I've been suffering from TMJ.

Slowly but surely it's getting better. I will ultimately still need surgery, but I'm functional again.

That being said I had to go back to work at some point. My FMLA was up and so it was time. Now, my job is 1/3 of the reason I was having TMJ issues. The stress and constant talking of my job was just not really good for my jaw issues.

The again there is also the fact that my job was abnormally stressful. If you happen to have worked with me there you know what I'm talking about. I knew going back would be a bad thing for my stress level, thus my jaw. The mere thought of going back was giving me panic attacks.

Then, a few days ago I had a brilliant idea. The company I work for has on site child care. I'm a major in early childhood development. If the on site daycare had a job opening well...

So come to find out they did have two job openings. I went and interviewed, impressed the daycare director, and got the job! My dream job!

So today was my first day. It was amazing. I got to work with the 18-24 month olds and the 3-5 year olds. It was exhausting, but amazing. I'm sore from head to toe and I care barely keep my eyes open I'm so tired. I thank the goddess for naptime. It was 2 hours of recoup. I don't think any daycare teacher could handle the job without naptime. My only complaint about the job is outside time and that is only because it's too damn hot to be outside right now. This is a really hot, dry summer and it is too hot for man or beast out there.

I loved working with the kids. This one little girl in the 18-24 month class just stole my heart. I adore her so much. The was the little 3 yr old that was being disagreeable with everyone. By the end of the day he didn't wanna play with any of the teachers but me. I managed to win the little guy over. There was this other little 5 yr old that tricked me into letting her take food out to the playground, which is a no-no I found out. After that I had my eye on her. She's a little con-artist in the making. I saw two little girls team up against one little girl. It was like Mean Girls Jr. I realized how evil little girls can be to each other. It starts young. If I ever see Savannah (my future daughter) treat someone that way she is gonna get her little bottom smacked...oh wait....can't do that anymore in Texas...explains so much.

I digress. The point is I had an amazing day at work and I LOVE my new job. If I never sit in a cubicle with a headset again it'll be too soon. I have my dream job! Thank you Goddess. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

So that's my happy ending to this FMLA tale. Unfortunately the TMJ story is just beginning.

But for now I'm going to enjoy getting my life back and working my amazing new job.
