Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Resolutions

The time has again come! Time to recount last year’s resolutions and make some for next year. Let us begin.

First, let’s recount the resolutions for 2011

~Get in shape. Year 4, I know. This time I have a better plan. I want to be in shape my October 31st because of my next resolution… (I normally call this an epic fail…this year it’s only a minor one. I did lose enough weight to get back to my average size and maintain it. I also worked out more this year than in years past and I spent more of the year eating healthy. It’s a good start anyway.)

~Dress like Stephanie Brown for Halloween (Batgirl or Robin, I’m not sure yet) (Success! I dressed as Robin for Halloween! There’s pictures to prove it. Little did I realize when I made this resolution that DC would lampoon Steph again and this would be so meaningful.)

~Find an artist for the podcast art and ramp up traffic (Minor success/minor fail. I did ramp up traffic when we actually did podcasts…but not as much as I wanted. And I did kinda find n artist…I’m just still waiting for the finished product.)

~Do well in school
(Neither success, nor fail. I had to drop classes due to medical issues. It happens.)

~Find a balance in my life and find a way to be at peace (MAJOR success. The first half of the year sucked, but the second I got a job I love and I’m happier and more at peace than I’ve ever been.}

~Learn to play my guitar (Didn’t happen, but oh well…someday.)

Now for 2012’s resolutions:

~ Year 5, get in shape….specifically get to the size I was when I came to Austin.

~ Get my own place (with a roommate).

~ Continue to live life my way, on my terms.

~ Do my very best at work and remain grateful every day for my awesome job.

~ Max out my character’s levels on WoW and DCUO

~ Pay off most of my credit card debt (first and foremost all of the money I borrowed from Mom’s CC)

So that’s it! Wish me luck! Happy 2012!