Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Resolutions!

Another year has gone by and it's once again time to make those new year's resolutions! But first, let's review this year's and see how I did...

~Get in shape before 2013 Comic Con. I dunno what I wanna cosplay yet, but I know I don't want my weight to dictate it again.

Considering I lost over 50 lbs I will finally call this one a success! Yes, it is because I had to but the specifics don't matter. Yes weight dictated my Comic Con costume but I looked damn good in it so I'm not gonna fret. We all gotta start somewhere.

~Chip into my own debt

I did this, not as much as I wanted, but I did. Baby steps. Mild success.

~Focus on my health, mental and physical, and better myself

Can we call this a success? I mean I did all this, but it wasn't until my health was screwy with liver disease.

~Do all I can to continue to make JoF the bigger and bigger

Consider I got us a panel at frickin Austin Comic Con I'll call this a success. We're still growing but that's ok. I took a damn big step.

And now for my 2014 resolutions:

~ Continue to lose weight. Get to a point I can wear whatever I want to comic con and in life without worrying about 'dressing for size'. (Dressing for body type is different).

~Continue to do things to involve myself in the comic fandom and gain JoF exposure along the way.

~Do even more to chip into debt.

~Do all I can to be a good, happy, and friendly person all year round.

~Have a killer 30th birthday party

~Become more social

And there we have it. Let's see how I do...