Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Resolutions...

Another year has gone by and it's once again time to make those new year's resolutions! But first, let's review this year's and see how I did...

2014 resolutions:

~ Continue to lose weight. Get to a point I can wear whatever I want to comic con and in life without worrying about 'dressing for size'. (Dressing for body type is different).
(OK this didn't exactly happen but to be fair ending up in the hospital and being starved for 4 days threw me off. I'll get back on track)

~Continue to do things to involve myself in the comic fandom and gain JoF exposure along the way.
(SUCCESS!!! I scored JoF 3 panels at 2 different cons this year and one of them had over 100 people show up and stirred up massive debate about feminists and comics. I lost a bit of momentem here recently but it'll be easy to get back.)

~Do even more to chip into debt.
(Well this was a fail but medical bills threw me off so I'll let this one slide.)

~Do all I can to be a good, happy, and friendly person all year round.
(In spite of many personal trials I think I did this.)

~Have a killer 30th birthday party
(I did! Thanks to my bestie Sarah my 30th was epic!)

~Become more social
(By my standards I've been much more social so, yup.)

And now for 2015 resolutions:

~Get through school far enough that I can be student teaching by fall or spring.

~Advance in my job

~Get back on track with my eating habits and get back to getting healthy.

~Pay off my car

~learn to skate

~Meet a hockey player

~Try to advance the podcast and the JoF brand even more this year.

And there we go, let's check back on this in 365 days,,,