It’s that
time again! Resolutions!
First, let’s
reflect on this past year’s…
~Get through school far enough that I can be student teaching by fall or spring.
This didn’t happen but I did continue to advance now I’m to my teaching courses and should be teaching by this upcoming fall or next spring.
~Advance in my job
Eh..I changed jobs from when I wrote this…
~Get back on track with my eating habits and get back to getting healthy.
This was a success the 1st half of the year. Then it fell apart…
~Pay off my car
Success! Its all mine! It needs some repairs now but it’s allllll mine!!!!!
~learn to skate
Success. I’m damn good at basic skating. Now I just need to get more advanced.
~Meet a hockey player
Uh, successs? I met MANY hockey players and have even actually hung out with a couple to the point that they know me. Who would have thought?
~Try to advance the podcast and the JoF brand even more this year.
Hasn’t happen yet. But will. Oh it will.
Now for my 2016 resolutions…
-Get back to eating and healthy and lost weight. Seriously. I don’t want to get sick again.
-Finish school or at least start or be ready to start student teaching
-Be the best girlfriend possible and make this a great year for my amazing girlfriend
-Grow the fuck up and work on being less selfish. Become a better person.
-Get in a comfortableish position financially
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