Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Resolutions...

I know it's a day late but here's my 2017 Resolutions...

...but 1st let's review 2016's...

-Get back to eating and healthy and lost weight. Seriously. I don’t want to get sick again.

OK that one was a bust but it's a new year and I can still make this happen

-Finish school or at least start or be ready to start student teaching

OK...not quite...had a couple of set backs...but I'm back on track.

-Be the best girlfriend possible and make this a great year for my amazing girlfriend

I asked Shannon about this and she said I more than achieved it. And hey...she married me!

-Grow the fuck up and work on being less selfish. Become a better person.

Shannon said I achieved this too. I choose to believe her.

-Get in a comfortableish position financially

It's a work in progress but we're doing ok.

Now for this year...

- Seriously...get back to eating healthy and lose weight. For real this time.

- Progress in school

- Adopt my beautiful daughter so she is legally mine

- Be a good wife and live up to my vows

- Be in a better place next year on this date than I am today.