Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting to Know You

You know me from one of two places. Either you're a friend of mine or you one of my loyal podcast listeners. Either way, welcome. I've written many blogs over the years…some personal…some not…all with various insight and personal thoughts.

I started this new blog for two reasons: 1) I haven't written a steady blog in awhile and I feel the need to let my voice be heard again and 2) I felt this blog would be a great extension to the 'Jackalopes of Fire' podcast. We discuss everything on the podcast but it doesn't usually get too personal. This blog will. It will be whatever is on my mind, be it a personal issues, social issue, political, or any other issue I deem worthy of writing about at the given time. In other words this blog will go places that the podcast wouldn't touch.

To get started here I'm actually going to post a bit about me. Some things you know, some you don't. Once you know me and how I think I believe it'll put all future posts into a bit more context. Before we get into that I want to remind everyone I love feedback. Comment here or you can always e-mail me at Now then, without further ado…

I'm probably the most boring 26 year old ever. The thing is I'm ok with that.

My name is Priscilla but I mostly go by Cilla…or Michelle…but not so much anymore…just DON'T call me Prissy ever. Seriously

I lead a pretty quiet, serene life. I love it.

I love music…a lot…music of all kinds.

I'm a completely hopeless romantic…but I'm also jaded by the past. I'm not 100% convinced that hopeless romance exists outside a Nicholas Sparks novel.

Have you ever noticed that all Nicholas Sparks romance novels end in tragedy?

I'm very creative. I love to write, podcast, work on my site.

Not a lot makes me happier than people that read my stories and discuss them with me. I get some of my best ideas from bouncing storylines back and forth with other people.

I am a totally geek girl. I love comics, video games, all that stuff.

Supergirl is my favorite heroine. Ever.

I don't care what anyone says, Stephanie Brown is my favorite Batgirl.

Yes, I play World of Warcraft…I'm a human mage.

Nothing gets under my skin quite like disrespect.

My favorite color is purple. Like obsessively so.

I have a very sarcastic sense of humor. Some people take it as an insult…it's not meant as such.

I sometimes cry when I'm happy…even over silly little things. I can't help it.

I love strip clubs…and no I don't think they're degrading to women.

I have 3 kitties and I love them so, so much. I do want more someday.

I prefer Aussie Football to American Football…then again I prefer most Australian things. I love Australia.

I really like motocross…racing, not freestyle.

I'm mild mannered and even tempered…until I'm not…which takes A LOT…but when I do lose it LOOK OUT! Don't worry, it's a rare occurrence.

I've reached a point in my life I like who I've become. It's a wonderful thing.

I love kids…SO much. I want to be a mom someday. I just need to get my life together first.

I'm not looking for an instant romance because that just doesn't happen. I am looking for friends and hoping perhaps something more will come from one of them.

I love to laugh.

I'm very trusting…sometimes too much. I just assume people don't lie…of course, sadly, they sometimes do.

I do want to be loved.

I want someone that will dance in the rain.

Someone who will take my hand.

Someone that is worth being fearless for.

A person that cares about me and what I want.

Mostly that listens to me.

I want to matter.

Yeah...I really want to matter.

I want a first date like Taylor Swift sings about in "Fearless".

I can't tell you what my perfect person would be like.

I can tell you that not only will I know when I find it...

It really will be fearless.

I'm a big contradiction…it's part of my charm.