Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 Resolutions!

New Years is on the way! You know what that means...a new set of resolutions!

First let's recount last years!

~ Year 5, get in shape….specifically get to the size I was when I came to Austin.
Ok, this didn't happen but that is ok. I have a doctor now willing to help me and I have no doubt I will achieve this yet. I won't call this a fail because I learned to accept me for me and that is more valuable. I think I needed to come to terms with myself before I focused on the shallow.

~ Get my own place (with a roommate).

This didn't happen but mostly because I decided I didn't want it to. I'm happy here. I don't know anyone I wanna room with anyway. This isn't a fail, just a goal that changed.

~ Continue to live life my way, on my terms.
I'd call this a mostly success. This year I really feel like I settled into my own skin and realized what matters.

~ Do my very best at work and remain grateful every day for my awesome job.

My job changed twice this year but I still did my best no matter what job and I am blessed to still be in childcare. Massive success.

~ Max out my character’s levels on WoW and DCUO

Nope. I don't think I went up even one level this year. MMOs just didn't rank in importance.

~ Pay off most of my credit card debt (first and foremost all of the money I borrowed from Mom’s CC)

Yeah, mom got paid off...sorta. I don't owe her money anymore. I have my own debt now, which is an improvement.

Now, for the 2013 resolutions:

~Get in shape before 2013 Comic Con. I dunno what I wanna cosplay yet, but I know I don't want my weight to dictate it again.

~Chip into my own debt

~Focus on my health, mental and physical, and better myself

~Do all I can to continue to make JoF the bigger and bigger

That's it...that's really all I got for this year! Not a lot I feel a need to resolute to do.